Cover Title Authors Rating Hits
cover Title: Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity Authors: Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson Rating: 5 Hits: 55
cover Title: The Power of Geography: Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World - The Much-Anticipated Sequel to the Global Bestseller Prisoners of Geography Authors: Tim Marshall Rating: 5 Hits: 57
cover Title: The Road to Freedom: Economics and the Good Society Authors: Joseph E. Stiglitz Rating: 5 Hits: 58
cover Title: The Silk Roads: A New History of the World Authors: Peter Frankopan Rating: 5 Hits: 58
cover Title: The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the Twenty-first Century's Greatest Dilemma Authors: Mustafa Suleyman and Michael Bhaskar Rating: 5 Hits: 60
cover Title: Age of Revolutions: Progress and Backlash from 1600 to the Present Authors: Fareed Zakaria Rating: 5 Hits: 61
cover Title: Liberalism and Its Discontents Authors: Francis Fukuyama Rating: 5 Hits: 123
cover Title: Principles Authors: Ray Dalio Rating: 5 Hits: 125
cover Title: The 48 Laws of Power Authors: Robert Greene Rating: 5 Hits: 127
cover Title: The Changing World Order Authors: Ray Dalio Rating: 5 Hits: 128
cover Title: Dabbling in Diplomacy Authors: S.D. Muni Rating: 0 Hits: 130
cover Title: Talking to My Daughter about the Economy: A Brief History of Capitalism Authors: Yanis Varoufakis, Jacob T. Moe Rating: 5 Hits: 140
cover Title: Pakistan: Eye of the storm Authors: Jones, Bennett Owen Rating: 5 Hits: 631
cover Title: Pakistan: a hard country Authors: Lieven, Anatol Rating: 5 Hits: 671
cover Title: SAARC Towards Greater Connectivity Authors: Patil, Suryakant Sameer Rating: 4.5 Hits: 736
cover Title: Sapiens: A Brief History of HumanKind Authors: Harari, Yuval Noah Rating: 5 Hits: 744
cover Title: Women and Work in South Asia Authors: Amena Mohsin (Editor) , ASM Ali Ashraf (Editor) , Niloy Ranjan Biswas (Editor) , Mohammad Atique Rahman (Editor) Rating: 0 Hits: 755
cover Title: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster Authors: Gates, Bill Rating: 5 Hits: 789
cover Title: Homo Deus A brief history of Tomorrow Authors: Harari, Yuval Noah Rating: 5 Hits: 790
cover Title: How to Avoid a Climate Disaster Authors: Gates, Bill Rating: 5 Hits: 810
cover Title: The Long Game: China's Grand Strategy To Displace American Order Authors: Doshi, Rush Rating: 5 Hits: 847
cover Title: Himalayan Farming : Traditions and skills in Nepal, Sikkim, and Pakistan Authors: Berger, Fritz Rating: 5 Hits: 878
cover Title: World Order Authors: Kissinger, Henry Rating: 5 Hits: 899
no-img_eng.png Title: Authors: Harari, Yuval Noah Rating: 5 Hits: 1356
cover Title: Authors: Harari, Yuval Noah Rating: 5 Hits: 1548
cover Title: Authors: Fritz Berger Rating: 5 Hits: 1619
cover Title: Authors: Harari, Yuval Noah Rating: 5 Hits: 1665
cover Title: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century Authors: Harari, Yuval Noah Rating: 5 Hits: 1760
cover Title: When Breath Becomes Air Authors: Kalanithi, Paul Rating: 5 Hits: 1904
cover Title: Authors: Harari, Yuval Noah Rating: 5 Hits: 2042
no-img_eng.png Title: Authors: Harari, Yuval Noah Rating: 5 Hits: 2047
cover Title: Pulses Value Chain Development for Achieving Food and Nutrition Security in South Asia : Current Status and Future Prospects Authors: Pandey, Pradyumna Raj ; Gaur, Pooran ; Sajja, Sobhan B Rating: 5 Hits: 2728
cover Title: SAARC Regional Training on Integrated Pest Managementt Authors: Alam, S.N ; Sarkar, M.A ; Pandey, P.R. ; Bokhtiar, S.M Rating: 5 Hits: 2856
cover Title: Seeds without Borders Initiative in South Asia : Current Status and Future Directions Authors: Pandey, Pradyumna Raj ; Bhandari, Humnath and Bokhtiar, S.M. Rating: 5 Hits: 2916
cover Title: Agricultural Biotechnology and Biosafety in South Asia : Progress and Prospects Authors: Pandey,Pradyumna Raj ; Bajay,Bharneet ; Islam, Aparna Rating: 5 Hits: 3083
cover Title: Nepal and the Geo-Strategic Rivalry between China and India Authors: Upadhya, Sanjay Rating: 4.5 Hits: 3221
no-img_eng.png Title: Tourism Development in Selected Least Developed Countries and Viet Nam: Report of the Seminar on the Promotion of Sustainable Tourism Development in the Least Development Countries of the ESCAP Region Authors: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Rating: 0 Hits: 3262
no-img_eng.png Title: Proceedings of the Expert Consultation on Regional Priority Setting for Agricultural Research for Development in the Asia-Pacific Region and Sixth Executive Committee Meeting of APAARI 12-14 November Authors: Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI) Rating: 0 Hits: 3265
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics Vol. 96/2 2003 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3268
no-img_eng.png Title: Market Brief on Frozen Vegetables in France Authors: International Trade Centre (ITC), UNCTAD/GATT Rating: 0 Hits: 3269
no-img_eng.png Title: Report of the 28th RECA Seminar on Multifunctionality of Agriculture in the Context of WTO negotiations on International Agriculture Trade held on 10-20 July 2006 Tokyo Japan Authors: Afro-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3274
no-img_eng.png Title: Forest Based Rural Enterprises: Pakistan Authors: FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAPA) Rating: 0 Hits: 3274
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal and the World: A Statistical Profile 1994 Authors: Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNNCI) Rating: 0 Hits: 3275
no-img_eng.png Title: Proceedings of Workshop for Enhancing Private Sector Investment on Production Processing Marketing and Export of Vegetable and other Seeds in Nepal 10-12 August 1994 Kathmandu Nepal Authors: Seed Entrepreneurs' Association of Nepal (SEAN)Hills Seed and Vegetable Project (KOSEVEG/ODA)Fresh Vegetable and Vegetable Seed Production Project (FAO/GCP/NEP/043/SWIAgro Enterprise Centre (FNCCI/USA Rating: 0 Hits: 3276
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Pocket Book of Maldives 2006 Authors: Ministry of Planning and National Development (MPND) Rating: 0 Hits: 3276
no-img_eng.png Title: Desirable Corporate Governance: A Code Authors: Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Rating: 0 Hits: 3277
no-img_eng.png Title: IFAD: Annual Report 1990 Authors: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Rating: 0 Hits: 3279
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Handbook of Bhutan 1986 Authors: Central Statistical Office Planning Commission Rating: 0 Hits: 3279
no-img_eng.png Title: Lodging Industry in Pakistan 1991: Annual Report Authors: Planning Development and Research Wing, Tourism Division Rating: 0 Hits: 3279
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal and the World: A Statistical Profile 2005 Authors: Seed Entrepreneurs' Association of Nepal (SEAN)Hills Seed and Vegetable Project (KOSEVEG/ODA)Fresh Vegetable and Vegetable Seed Production Project (FAO/GCP/NEP/043/SWIAgro Enterprise Centre (FNCCI/USA Rating: 0 Hits: 3279
no-img_eng.png Title: Improving Management of Aquaculture in Asia Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3281
no-img_eng.png Title: Operations Management in the Forest Products Industry Authors: Baldwin, R.F. Rating: 0 Hits: 3281
no-img_eng.png Title: Promoting Agribusiness for Higher Productivity in Asia and the Pacific Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3281
no-img_eng.png Title: Pakistan Travel Trade Directory 2005-2006 Authors: Ministry of Tourism Rating: 0 Hits: 3282
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics Capture Prodution Volume 86/1 1998 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3283
no-img_eng.png Title: Members of the Constituent Assembly Authors: Samudayik Sarathi Nepal (SSN)Alliance for Social Diagogue (ASD) Rating: 0 Hits: 3283
no-img_eng.png Title: Impact of Containerization on Port Development Labour Requirement and Modern Construction Techniques - Proceedings of a Seminar-cum-study Tour held in Japan and Malysia October 1989 Authors: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Rating: 0 Hits: 3283
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal and the World: A Statistical Profile 1999 Authors: Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) Rating: 0 Hits: 3283
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Pocket Book Nepal 2002 Authors: Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) Rating: 0 Hits: 3284
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fertilizer Vol. 52 2002 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3284
no-img_eng.png Title: Summary Report of the Final Project Meeting on Trade Expansion in South Asia - Liberalization and Mechanisms including Payments Co-operation Colombo 6-7 October 1986 Authors: Marga Institute Rating: 0 Hits: 3284
no-img_eng.png Title: National Development Plan 1991-1993 Volume 2 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Environment, Male Rating: 0 Hits: 3284
no-img_eng.png Title: Democracies of the World: OECD Member Countries and Regional Trade Organizations Authors: World of Information (WI) Rating: 0 Hits: 3284
no-img_eng.png Title: The Maldives: Development and Youth Authors: Maldives Youth Centre (MYC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3285
no-img_eng.png Title: Operational Experiences in Forest Management Development in the Hills of Nepal Authors: Applegate, G. B. Rating: 0 Hits: 3285
no-img_eng.png Title: Epidemiological Surveillance in Animal Health Authors: Dufour, R.B. Rating: 0 Hits: 3285
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Year Book of Nepal 2003 Authors: Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) Rating: 0 Hits: 3285
no-img_eng.png Title: Cultural Tourism in Pakistan 1990: Annual Report Authors: Planning Development and Research Wing, Tourism Division Rating: 0 Hits: 3286
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook of Maldives 1983 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Development, Male' Rating: 0 Hits: 3286
no-img_eng.png Title: NARC Annual Report 1996/97 Authors: Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3286
no-img_eng.png Title: Icons of Awakened Energy: An Introduction to Bhutanese Iconography Authors: Dorji, K.D. Rating: 0 Hits: 3286
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook of Bhutan 1988 Authors: Central Statistics Office Rating: 0 Hits: 3286
no-img_eng.png Title: Sri Lanka Official Tourist Handbook Authors: Ceylon Tourist Board Publication Rating: 0 Hits: 3286
no-img_eng.png Title: Quality Control in Fish Processing Authors: Asian Productivity Organizations (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3286
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal and the World A Statistical Profile 2001 Authors: Seed Entrepreneurs' Association of Nepal (SEAN)Hills Seed and Vegetable Project (KOSEVEG/ODA)Fresh Vegetable and Vegetable Seed Production Project (FAO/GCP/NEP/043/SWIAgro Enterprise Centre (FNCCI/USA Rating: 0 Hits: 3287
no-img_eng.png Title: President's Visit to SAARC Countries Authors: Department of Films and Publications, Ministry of Information Rating: 0 Hits: 3287
no-img_eng.png Title: Services in Asia and the Pacific: Selected Papers Volume 1 Authors: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNIDO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3287
no-img_eng.png Title: India and Asean: Issues in Sectoral Dialogue Partership Authors: Rao, V.L. Rating: 0 Hits: 3287
no-img_eng.png Title: Wildlife and Protected Areas of Nepal (Resources and management) Authors: Majupuria, T.C. Rating: 0 Hits: 3287
no-img_eng.png Title: Data Base on Women in Agriculture and Rural Households Authors: Research Wing, Women's Division Rating: 0 Hits: 3287
no-img_eng.png Title: Constituent Assembly by-election-2009 Authors: National Election Observation Committee (NEOC)Sivakoti, g.K. Rating: 0 Hits: 3287
no-img_eng.png Title: Aquatic Animal Health Code Authors: World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) Rating: 0 Hits: 3288
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics Commodities Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3288
no-img_eng.png Title: Tourism Market Trends: Asia and the Pacific Authors: World Tourism Organization (WTO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3288
no-img_eng.png Title: Eighth Five Year Plan (1997-2002): Volume I - Main Document Authors: Ministry of Planning (MOP) Rating: 0 Hits: 3288
no-img_eng.png Title: Trade and Investment in Services in the Asia-Pacific Region Authors: Lee, C.H. Rating: 0 Hits: 3288
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook 1980 Authors: National Planning Agency Rating: 0 Hits: 3289
no-img_eng.png Title: Statististical Abstract India 2003 Authors: Central Statistical Organization (CSO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3289
no-img_eng.png Title: Economic Survey Fiscal Year 1995-96 Authors: Ministry of Finance (MOF) Rating: 0 Hits: 3289
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal and the World: A Statistical Profile 1998 Authors: Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) Rating: 0 Hits: 3290
no-img_eng.png Title: National Milk Marketing and Strategy Study: Final Report Authors: National Dairy Development Board/Danida Support Project (NDDB) Rating: 0 Hits: 3290
no-img_eng.png Title: Lodging Industry in Pakistan 1993 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Environment, Planning Development and Research Wing, Statistics Section Rating: 0 Hits: 3290
no-img_eng.png Title: Problems and Prospects of Agriculture in India Authors: Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)Bhatt, V.S. Rating: 0 Hits: 3291
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Pocket Book - 2002 Authors: Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) Rating: 0 Hits: 3291
no-img_eng.png Title: Pakistan Travel Trade Directory 2007-08 Authors: Ministry of Tourism (MOT), Economic Analysis Wing Rating: 0 Hits: 3291
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook of Bhutan 2001 Authors: Central Statistical Organization (CEO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3291
no-img_eng.png Title: Nawaun Yojana (Ninth Plan) 2054-2059 Authors: National Planning Commission (NPC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3291
no-img_eng.png Title: Sericulture Training Manual for women Authors: Women's Development Division Rating: 0 Hits: 3291
no-img_eng.png Title: NARC Research Highlights 1989/90 to 1994/95 Authors: Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3291
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3292
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal Tourism Statistics 2003 Authors: Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation (MoCTCA)Tuladhar, K.Paneru, D.B.Pradhan Rating: 0 Hits: 3292
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal Tourism : Annual Statistical Report 1992 Authors: Department of Tourism Rating: 0 Hits: 3292
no-img_eng.png Title: Lodging Industry in Pakistan 1990: Annual Report Authors: Planning Development and Research Wing, Tourism Division Rating: 0 Hits: 3292
no-img_eng.png Title: Pesticide Residues in Food - 2001: Report Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)WHO Rating: 0 Hits: 3292
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal and the World: A Statistical Profile 2004 Authors: Seed Entrepreneurs' Association of Nepal (SEAN)Hills Seed and Vegetable Project (KOSEVEG/ODA)Fresh Vegetable and Vegetable Seed Production Project (FAO/GCP/NEP/043/SWIAgro Enterprise Centre (FNCCI/USA Rating: 0 Hits: 3292
no-img_eng.png Title: Atlas of Transboundary Animal Diseases Authors: Fernandez, P.J Rating: 0 Hits: 3292
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fertilizer Volume 41 1991 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3292
no-img_eng.png Title: Kangchanjunga Conservation Area Project - A Retrospective 1998-2005 Authors: WWF Nepal Rating: 0 Hits: 3292
no-img_eng.png Title: Report on Aus Aman Boro and Jute Crop Survey 1993-94 Authors: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) Rating: 0 Hits: 3292
no-img_eng.png Title: Farmers Merchants and Entrepreneurs : A Report on the United Nations Development Fund for Women Authors: United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNDFW) Rating: 0 Hits: 3292
no-img_eng.png Title: Tourism Yearbook 2006 Authors: Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation (MOTCA) Rating: 0 Hits: 3293
no-img_eng.png Title: The State of Maldivian Women 1989 Authors: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Rating: 0 Hits: 3293
no-img_eng.png Title: Business Directory of the Maldives 1985 Authors: State Trading Organization, Trade Information Unit Rating: 0 Hits: 3293
no-img_eng.png Title: Role of Biotechnology in Agriculture Authors: Prasad, B.N. Rating: 0 Hits: 3293
no-img_eng.png Title: Biotechnology in Agriculture in Asia Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3293
no-img_eng.png Title: Tourists and Tourism: Science and Industry Interface Authors: Kunwar, R.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3293
no-img_eng.png Title: Ceylon Tourist Board : Annual Statistical Report 1985 Authors: Ceyloon Tourist Board Rating: 0 Hits: 3293
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal and its Electoral System: An Introduction Authors: Informal Sector Research Centre (INSEC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3293
no-img_eng.png Title: Peace between the State of Israel and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Authors: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOF) Rating: 0 Hits: 3294
no-img_eng.png Title: Directory of Agricultural Periodicals of the SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3294
no-img_eng.png Title: Commonwealth Skills for Commonwealth Needs: The Work of the Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation Authors: The Commonwealth Secretariat Rating: 0 Hits: 3294
no-img_eng.png Title: Pakistan Hotel Guide 1986 Authors: Ministry of TourismMaulai, S.W.A. Rating: 0 Hits: 3295
no-img_eng.png Title: The Kulu Valley: Impact of Tourism Development in the Mountain Areas Authors: Singh T.V. Rating: 0 Hits: 3295
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics Commodities Volume 83 1996 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3295
no-img_eng.png Title: Changing Trends in Managing Aqatic Animal Disease Emergencies Volume 27 (1) Authors: World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) Rating: 0 Hits: 3295
no-img_eng.png Title: Information on the Department of Animal Production and Health Authors: Department of Animal Production and Health Rating: 0 Hits: 3295
no-img_eng.png Title: Operation of Agricultural Wholesale Markets Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3295
no-img_eng.png Title: Paradigm: The Journal of Institute of Management Technology Authors: Institute of Management Technology (IMT)Sachdev, S.K. Rating: 0 Hits: 3296
no-img_eng.png Title: Case Studies of Heroin Users in Sri Lanka Part II of the Careers Study Authors: National Dangerous Drugs Control Board (NDDCB)/UNDCP/WHO-Project Rating: 0 Hits: 3296
no-img_eng.png Title: Directory of Agricultural Institutions in SAARC Countries Volume I Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3296
no-img_eng.png Title: SAARC Abstracts on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Volume 1 No. 1 Authors: National Research Associates (NRA)Sharma, D. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3296
no-img_eng.png Title: Bangladesh Agricultural Bibliography 1988 Authors: Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3296
no-img_eng.png Title: National Development Plan 1988-1990 Volume 1 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Development, Male' Rating: 0 Hits: 3296
no-img_eng.png Title: Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for terrestrial Animals (mammals birds and bees) Volume 1 Authors: World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Rating: 0 Hits: 3296
no-img_eng.png Title: Glimpses of Tourism Airlines and Management in Nepal Authors: Singh, B.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3296
no-img_eng.png Title: Fodder Germplasm in SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC)Abdullah, M. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3296
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Pocket Book of Maldives 2005 Authors: Ministry of Planning and National Development (MPND) Rating: 0 Hits: 3296
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal and the World: A Statistical Profile 1997 Authors: Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) Rating: 0 Hits: 3296
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook of Maldives 1987 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Development, Male' Rating: 0 Hits: 3296
no-img_eng.png Title: Directory of Ph.D. Dissertations on Agriculture in SAARC Countries 2000-2006 Volume 1 Bangladesh Authors: Mostafa, M.G. (Comp.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3296
no-img_eng.png Title: Economic Survey: Fiscal Year 1988-89 Authors: Ministry of Finance (MOF) Rating: 0 Hits: 3296
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics Vol. 97 2003 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3296
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Forest Products 1978-1989 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3297
no-img_eng.png Title: Sustainable Development of Small Hydropower in Nepal Authors: Centre for Economic and Technical Studies (CETS)Jha, H.B. Subedy Rating: 0 Hits: 3297
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook of Maldives 1984 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Development, Male' Rating: 0 Hits: 3297
no-img_eng.png Title: IFAD Annual Report 1993 Authors: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Rating: 0 Hits: 3297
no-img_eng.png Title: Agricultural Development in India Authors: Bisht, D.S. Rating: 0 Hits: 3297
no-img_eng.png Title: Central Bank of Sri Lanka : Annual Report of the Monetary Board to the Honble Minister of Finance and Planning 1986 Authors: Central Bank of Sri Lanka Rating: 0 Hits: 3297
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal's Tourism Uncensored Facts Authors: Chand, D.M.A. Rating: 0 Hits: 3297
no-img_eng.png Title: SAARC Directory of Seed Companies / Enterpreneurs 2003 Authors: W.A.G.Srinivasacharyulu, A. (comp.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3298
no-img_eng.png Title: Participatory Forest Management: Implications for Policy and Human Resources' Development in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas Volume I: Workshop Proceedings Authors: Bhatia, A.(ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3298
no-img_eng.png Title: OIE: Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals Authors: World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) Rating: 0 Hits: 3298
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal's Relation with Japan and China Authors: Sigdel, B.D. Rating: 0 Hits: 3298
no-img_eng.png Title: Jordan Accession to WTO: Impact on agricultural sector Authors: Afro-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3298
no-img_eng.png Title: Economic Survey (Revised): Fiscal Year 1994-95 Authors: Ministry of Finance (MOF) Rating: 0 Hits: 3298
no-img_eng.png Title: Five Perspectives on Forestry for Rural Development in the Asia-Pacific Region Authors: FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (RAPA) Rating: 0 Hits: 3298
no-img_eng.png Title: Mountain Development Policies in Nepal: A Brief Report on a Round Table Meeting Authors: Institute for Integrated Development Studies (IIDS) Rating: 0 Hits: 3298
no-img_eng.png Title: ASEAN Documents Series 2002 Authors: ASEAN Secretariat Rating: 0 Hits: 3298
no-img_eng.png Title: Directory of Agricultural Periodicals of SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3299
no-img_eng.png Title: World Development Report 2008 - Overview: Agriculture for Development Authors: World Bank Rating: 0 Hits: 3299
no-img_eng.png Title: Singapore 1986 Authors: Ministry of Communications and Information, Information DivisionSudderuddin, K.I. Rating: 0 Hits: 3299
no-img_eng.png Title: Catalogue of Fishes of the Maldives Volume 1 Authors: Marine Research Section, Ministry of Fisheries Rating: 0 Hits: 3299
no-img_eng.png Title: Mountain Agriculture and Crop Genetic Resources : Report of the International Workshop on Mountain Agriculture and Crop Genetic Resources 16-19 February 1987 Authors: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) Rating: 0 Hits: 3299
no-img_eng.png Title: Cultural Tourism in Pakistan 1991: Annual Report Authors: Planning Development and Research Wing, Tourism Division Rating: 0 Hits: 3299
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Forest Products 1999-2003 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3299
no-img_eng.png Title: High Stakes: The Future for Mountain Societies Authors: Payne, C.K.Ruth Rating: 0 Hits: 3300
no-img_eng.png Title: Directory of Agricultural Institutions in SAARC Countries Volume II Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3300
no-img_eng.png Title: Planning Agriculture and Farmers: Strategy for Nepal Authors: Chitrakar, P.L. Rating: 0 Hits: 3300
no-img_eng.png Title: Pakistan Travel Directory 1994 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Environment, Planning Development and Research Wing, Statistics Section Rating: 0 Hits: 3300
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal Yearbook 2001 Authors: Bajracharya, R.C. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3300
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Forest Products 1979-1990 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3300
no-img_eng.png Title: Group Farming in Asia and the Pacific Authors: Asian Productivity Organizations (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3300
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Pocket Book Nepal 1990 Authors: Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) Rating: 0 Hits: 3300
no-img_eng.png Title: National Register of Midicinal and Aromatic Plants Authors: IUCN Rating: 0 Hits: 3300
no-img_eng.png Title: Oilseed Production and Marketing in Asia and the Pacific Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3300
no-img_eng.png Title: Pakistan Hotel and Restaurant Guide 1991 Authors: Planning Development and Research Wing, Tourism Division Rating: 0 Hits: 3300
no-img_eng.png Title: Directory of Agricultural Periodicals of SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3301
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Forest Products 1982-1993 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3301
no-img_eng.png Title: An Assessment of the Prospects for Trade Liberalization in APEC Authors: Centre for Trade Policy and Law (CTPL) Rating: 0 Hits: 3301
no-img_eng.png Title: Economic Survey: Fiscal Year 1997-98 Authors: Ministry of Finance (MOF) Rating: 0 Hits: 3301
no-img_eng.png Title: Modernizing Traditional Agriculture Authors: Nerlove, D.M.A. Rating: 0 Hits: 3301
no-img_eng.png Title: Regional Workshop of Experts in SAARC Countries on Transfer of Technology in Agriculture Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC)Abdullah, M. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3301
no-img_eng.png Title: Off-farm Employment in the Hill and Mountain Regions of Nepal Authors: Khatry-chhetry, J. Rating: 0 Hits: 3301
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook of Maldives 1986 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Development, Male' Rating: 0 Hits: 3301
no-img_eng.png Title: Directory of Ph.D. Dissertations on Agriculture in SAARC Countries 2000-2006 Volume 1 Bangladesh Authors: Mostafa, M.G. (Comp.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3301
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook of Maldives 1988 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Development, Male' Rating: 0 Hits: 3301
no-img_eng.png Title: Indias's Economic Reforms and Security Perceptions Authors: Economy and TradeBabu, V.V. Rating: 0 Hits: 3301
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fertilizer Volume 50 2000 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3301
no-img_eng.png Title: Forestry-Farming Linkages in the Mountains Authors: Mahat, T. B. S. Rating: 0 Hits: 3302
no-img_eng.png Title: World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development Authors: World Bank Rating: 0 Hits: 3302
no-img_eng.png Title: SAARC Directory of Seed Companies / Enterpreneurs 2003 Authors: W.A.G.Srinivasacharyulu, A. (comp.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3302
no-img_eng.png Title: Economic Survey Fiscal Year 1998-99 Authors: Ministry of Finance (MOF) Rating: 0 Hits: 3302
no-img_eng.png Title: Struggle for Change: International Economic Relations Authors: Lall, K.B. Rating: 0 Hits: 3302
no-img_eng.png Title: Women in Health and Illness: Life Experiences and Crisis Authors: Kjervik, D.K. Rating: 0 Hits: 3303
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics Volume 94/2 2002 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3303
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Forest Products 1993-1997 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3303
no-img_eng.png Title: World Animal Health 2008 Volume 2 Authors: World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) Rating: 0 Hits: 3303
no-img_eng.png Title: Environment: A Nepalese Journal of Environment Authors: Environment Protection Division Rating: 0 Hits: 3303
no-img_eng.png Title: Recent Advances in Integrated Pest Management Authors: Singh, A. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3303
no-img_eng.png Title: Climate Change: Impact on the Epidemiology and Control of Animal Diseases Volume 27 (2) Authors: World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) Rating: 0 Hits: 3304
no-img_eng.png Title: Report of the ASEAN NGOs. Workshop on "C.M.O. - ASEAN NGOs. Initiatives" 28 30 June 1990 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Authors: Pemdam, Malaysia Rating: 0 Hits: 3304
no-img_eng.png Title: ASEAN Documents Series 1996-1997 Authors: ASEAN Secretariat Rating: 0 Hits: 3304
no-img_eng.png Title: Improvement of Farm-Level Infrastructures Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3304
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook of Maldives 1989 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Environment, Male Rating: 0 Hits: 3304
no-img_eng.png Title: Evolving Sui Generis Options for the Hindu-Kush Himalayas Authors: Adhikari, R. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3304
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics 1998 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3304
no-img_eng.png Title: Hotel Restaurant and Tourism Directory of Pakistan 1994 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Environment, Planning Development and Research Wing, Statistics Section Rating: 0 Hits: 3304
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics Volume 80 1995 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3304
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Forest Products 1991-1995 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3304
no-img_eng.png Title: Promotion of Aquaculture in Family Farming Authors: Afro Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3304
no-img_eng.png Title: IFAD : Annual Report 1992 Authors: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Rating: 0 Hits: 3304
no-img_eng.png Title: Wisdom 21: Shaping the Culture of Peace in a Multilateral World Authors: Goi Peace FoundationPetit, P.U. Rating: 0 Hits: 3304
no-img_eng.png Title: Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for terrestrial Animals (mammals birds and bees) Volume 2 Authors: World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Rating: 0 Hits: 3305
no-img_eng.png Title: Environmental Assessment for Agricultural Development in Asia and the Pacific Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3305
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook of Maldives 1991 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Environment, Male Rating: 0 Hits: 3305
no-img_eng.png Title: Compendium of Technical items presented to the International Committee or to Regional Commission of the OIE Authors: World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) Rating: 0 Hits: 3305
no-img_eng.png Title: Best Practices in Animal Feed Production and Management in SAARC Countries Authors: Huque, K.S. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3305
no-img_eng.png Title: Codex Alimentarius Commission: Report of the Twenty-Third Session Rome 28 June - 3 July 1999 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) World Health Organization (WHO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3305
no-img_eng.png Title: Status of Integrated Pest Management (IMP) in SAARC Countries Authors: Alam, M.S. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3306
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics Volume 93 2001 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3306
no-img_eng.png Title: Urban Fringe Agriculture Authors: APOOliver, R.A.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3306
no-img_eng.png Title: The Commonwealth Ministers Reference Book 1998/99 Authors: The Commonwealth Secretariat Rating: 0 Hits: 3306
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook of Maldives 1993 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Environment, Male Rating: 0 Hits: 3306
no-img_eng.png Title: SAARC Agriculture Vision 2020 Authors: SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC)Kabir, W.Akter, T.N. Rating: 0 Hits: 3306
no-img_eng.png Title: National Milk Marketing and Strategy Study: Final Report (Annexes) Authors: National Dairy Development Board/Danida Support Project (NDDB) Rating: 0 Hits: 3306
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Abstract of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Authors: Department of Census and Statistics Rating: 0 Hits: 3306
no-img_eng.png Title: World Animal Health 2008 Volume 1 Authors: World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) Rating: 0 Hits: 3306
no-img_eng.png Title: Increased Productivity and Commercialisation of Non-Eastate Agriculture Authors: Dunham, D.M.A. Rating: 0 Hits: 3306
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics - Catches and Landings Volume 66 1988 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3307
no-img_eng.png Title: Catalogue of Fishes of the Maldives Volume 3 Authors: Marine Research Section, Ministry of Fisheries Rating: 0 Hits: 3307
no-img_eng.png Title: The Ninth Plan (1997 - 2002) Authors: National Planning Commission (NPC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3307
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal Tourism Statistics 2004: Annual Statistical Report Authors: Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation (MCTCA)Tuladhar, K.Paneru, D.B.Pradhan Rating: 0 Hits: 3307
no-img_eng.png Title: Directory of Agricultural Institutions in SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3307
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Forest Products 1980-1991 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3307
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Forest Products 1977-1988 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3307
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fertilizer Volume 38 1988 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3307
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Pocket Book - 2004 Authors: Department of Census and Statistics (DCS) Rating: 0 Hits: 3307
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics Capture Production Volume 82 1996 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3307
no-img_eng.png Title: Electoral System: Options for Pakistan Authors: Nohlen, D.M.A. Rating: 0 Hits: 3307
no-img_eng.png Title: Integrated Pest Management in Asia and the Pacific Authors: Asian Productivity Organizations (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3307
no-img_eng.png Title: Developing Corporate Bond Markets in Asia - Proceedings of a BIS/PBC Seminar held in Kunming China on 17-18 November 2005 Authors: Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Rating: 0 Hits: 3307
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Forest Products 2002-2006 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3307
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics Volume 88/1 1999 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3308
no-img_eng.png Title: Contribution of Livestock to Mountain Livelihoods: Research and Development Issues Authors: Tulachan, P.M.(ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3308
no-img_eng.png Title: Directory of Agricultural Periodicals of SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3308
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fertilizer Volume 43 1993 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3308
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics - Aquaculture Production Volume 90 No. 2 2000 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3308
no-img_eng.png Title: Fodder and Pasture Development in Nepal Authors: Nepal South Asia Centre (NESAC)Pandey, R.S. Rating: 0 Hits: 3308
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics Volume 94/1 2002 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3308
no-img_eng.png Title: In focus: 14th Anniversary 2014 Authors: Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) Rating: 0 Hits: 3308
no-img_eng.png Title: The Hour of the Fox: Tropical Forests the World Bank and Indigenous People in Central India Authors: Anderson, R.S. Rating: 0 Hits: 3308
no-img_eng.png Title: Fodder Germplasm in SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC)Abdullah, M. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3308
no-img_eng.png Title: Sustainable Family Farming and Role of Agricultural Cooperatives Authors: Afro-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3308
no-img_eng.png Title: Resource Manual on Validation and Promotion of IPM Authors: Singh, A. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3308
no-img_eng.png Title: Status of Integrated Pest Management (IMP) in SAARC Countries Authors: Alam, M.S. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3308
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook of Nepal 1999 Authors: Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) Rating: 0 Hits: 3308
no-img_eng.png Title: Central Bank of Sri Lanka: Annual Report of the Monetary Board to the Hon. Minister of Finance - 1992 Authors: Central Bank of Sri Lanka Rating: 0 Hits: 3308
no-img_eng.png Title: State of the World's Forests Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3308
no-img_eng.png Title: People and Protected Areas in South Asia Authors: National Research Associates (NRA)Sharma, U.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3309
no-img_eng.png Title: Perspectives on Forestry Resources Management Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3309
no-img_eng.png Title: Pesticide Residues in Food 2000: Evaluations 2000 - Part 1 Residues Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)WHO Rating: 0 Hits: 3309
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Forest Products 1981-1992 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3309
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO/Netherlands Conference on Agriculture and Environment 15-19 April 1991 The Netherlands Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries of the Netherlands Rating: 0 Hits: 3309
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook of Maldives 1998 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Environment, Human Resources and Environment (MPHRE) Rating: 0 Hits: 3309
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics - Commodities Volume 75 1992 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3309
no-img_eng.png Title: Hybrid and High Yielding Crop Varieties in SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC)Abdullah, D.M.A. Rating: 0 Hits: 3309
no-img_eng.png Title: Bivalve Mariculture in India (Pearl Oyster Edible Mussel and Oyster): A Success Story in Coastal Ecosystem Development Authors: Pillai, V.N. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3310
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal and the World: A Statistical Profile 1996 Authors: Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) Rating: 0 Hits: 3310
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook of Maldives 1992 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Environment, Male Rating: 0 Hits: 3310
no-img_eng.png Title: Innovative Agricultural Technologies in SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC)Abdullah, D.M.A. Rating: 0 Hits: 3310
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Pockect Book of Bangladesh 1996 Authors: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Planning and Environment Rating: 0 Hits: 3310
no-img_eng.png Title: Tourism Management: Problems and Prospects Authors: Punia, B.K. Rating: 0 Hits: 3310
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Forest Products 1983-1994 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3311
no-img_eng.png Title: Environmental Codes of Practice Tourism Activities Authors: National Environment Commission (NEC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3311
no-img_eng.png Title: Dynamics of Agricutural Biotechnology: SAARC Bibliographical Database Authors: Chandel, A.S. Rating: 0 Hits: 3311
no-img_eng.png Title: Soil Conservation and Watershed Protection in Asia and the Pacific Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3311
no-img_eng.png Title: Ceylon Tourist Baoard: Annual Statistical Report 1994 Authors: Ceylon Tourist Board Publication Rating: 0 Hits: 3311
no-img_eng.png Title: Business Directory of the Maldives 1988 Authors: State Trading Organization, Trade Information Unit Rating: 0 Hits: 3312
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal: Destination with a Difference Authors: Department of Tourism Rating: 0 Hits: 3312
no-img_eng.png Title: Directory of Ph.D. Dissertations on Agriculture in SAARC Countries 2000-2006 Volume 2 : India Authors: Mostafa, M.G. (Comp.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3312
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook of Maldives 2002 Authors: Ministry of Planning and National Development (MPND) Rating: 0 Hits: 3312
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Handbook of Bhutan 1989 Authors: Central Statistical Office Planning Commission Rating: 0 Hits: 3312
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Data Book for Agricultural Research and Development in SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC)Kabir, W.Akter, T.N. Rating: 0 Hits: 3312
no-img_eng.png Title: Conservation Status of the Inland Fish Fauna of Nepal Authors: Rajbansi, K.G. Rating: 0 Hits: 3313
no-img_eng.png Title: Hugging the Himalayas: The Chipko Experience Authors: Kunwar, S.S.P. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3313
no-img_eng.png Title: Asian Bond Markets: Issues and Prospects Authors: Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Rating: 0 Hits: 3313
no-img_eng.png Title: Research and Extension in Agricultural Development Authors: Evenson, R.E. Rating: 0 Hits: 3313
no-img_eng.png Title: Flowers and Fruits of Bangladesh Authors: Khan, Md. S. Rating: 0 Hits: 3313
no-img_eng.png Title: Forestry Statistics Today for Tomorrow 1945-1993 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3313
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics Volume 92/2 2001 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3314
no-img_eng.png Title: Prospective Agricultural Technologies in Asia and the Pacific Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3314
no-img_eng.png Title: Forests of the Himalayan Hengduan Mountains of China and Strategies for their Sustainable Development Authors: Wenhua, L. Rating: 0 Hits: 3314
no-img_eng.png Title: Improved Equipment for the Farm People of the SAARC Region Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC)Karmacharya, B.N.Abdullah, M.Akhter, T.N. Rating: 0 Hits: 3314
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook of Maldives 1990 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Environment, Male Rating: 0 Hits: 3314
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics - Catches and Landings Volume 70 1990 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3314
no-img_eng.png Title: Dreams from a Rainbow Sea - Maldives Authors: Michael, A.W. Rating: 0 Hits: 3314
no-img_eng.png Title: Project : Some Successful Technology to reduce the Drudgery of Women's Work in Nepal Authors: Joshi, Inc.Mann Rating: 0 Hits: 3314
no-img_eng.png Title: Sustainability in Mountain Tourism: Perspectives for the Himalayan Countries Authors: European Institute for South and South East Asian Studies (ASBL)Gupwell, Thapa R.P. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3314
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics - Catches and Landings Volume 74 1992 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3314
no-img_eng.png Title: Extension System for Livestock Production in Asia and the Pacific Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3315
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Data Book for Agricultural Research and Development in SAARC Countries 2008-09 Authors: Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), S.K. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3315
no-img_eng.png Title: Research and Development in the Forestry Sector (Present Status and Prospective Innovations) Authors: Bajracharya, K.M. Rating: 0 Hits: 3315
no-img_eng.png Title: Hybrid and High Yielding Crop Varieties in SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC)Abdullah, D.M.A. Rating: 0 Hits: 3315
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal Yearbook 1996: Events of the Year 1995 Authors: Institute for Integrated Development Studies (IIDS)Arya, R.C. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3315
no-img_eng.png Title: Comparative Electoral Processes in South Asia Authors: Nepal South Asia Centre (NESAC)Pandey, D.R.Aditya, A.Dahal, D.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3315
no-img_eng.png Title: Biotechnology for Asian Agriculture: Public Policy Implications Authors: Asian and Pacific Development Centre (APDC)Getubig, I.P.Chopra, V.L.Swaminathan, M.S. Rating: 0 Hits: 3315
no-img_eng.png Title: Environmental Impact of Tourism in the Mountainous Area of Pakistan Authors: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Rating: 0 Hits: 3316
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics Volume 92/1 2001 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3316
no-img_eng.png Title: Proceedings of SAARC Workshop on Soil Fertility Management for Increasing Productivity in Rice-based Cropping System 25-27 January 2001 Sri Lanka Authors: Goraya, M.M. (comp.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3316
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fertilizer Volume 48 1998 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3316
no-img_eng.png Title: Animals Authors: Discovery Channels Science Collections Rating: 0 Hits: 3317
no-img_eng.png Title: Sri Lanka Socio-Economic Data 1999 Authors: Central Bank of Sri Lanka Rating: 0 Hits: 3317
no-img_eng.png Title: National Development Plan 1988-1990 Volume 2 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Development, Male' Rating: 0 Hits: 3317
no-img_eng.png Title: Agricultural Training in SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3317
no-img_eng.png Title: Seed Production and Marketing in Asia and the Pacific Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3317
no-img_eng.png Title: The Non-trade Concerns in the Agreement on Agriculture Authors: Manandhar, R.B. Rating: 0 Hits: 3317
no-img_eng.png Title: ASEAN Documents Series 1998-1999 Authors: ASEAN Secretariat Rating: 0 Hits: 3317
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook of Maldives 1996 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Environment, Human Resources and Environment (MPHRE) Rating: 0 Hits: 3317
no-img_eng.png Title: Biotechnology Applications in Agriculture in Asia and Pacific Authors: Asian Productivity Organizations (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3318
no-img_eng.png Title: Deforestation and Government Policy Authors: Gillis, D.M.A. Rating: 0 Hits: 3318
no-img_eng.png Title: The Future of Commodities Authors: Corea, M.G. (Comp.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3318
no-img_eng.png Title: Central Bank of Sri Lanka: Annual Report 1998 Authors: Central Bank of Sri Lanka Rating: 0 Hits: 3318
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal: The Living Heritage - Environment and Culture Authors: Sherpa, P.T. Rating: 0 Hits: 3318
no-img_eng.png Title: Honeybees in Mountain Agriculture : Proceedings of International Expert Meeting on Beekeeping Development in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region 21-23 June 1989 Authors: International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)Verma, L.R.Sobhan Rating: 0 Hits: 3318
no-img_eng.png Title: Forage Development in Bangladesh Authors: Pradhan, D.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3318
no-img_eng.png Title: IFAD: Annual Report 1991 Authors: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Rating: 0 Hits: 3318
no-img_eng.png Title: The Maldives: A Nation in Peril - Speeches by Maumoon Abdul Gayoom President of the Maldives Authors: Ministry of Planning Human Resources and Environment (MOPHRE) Rating: 0 Hits: 3318
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics Catches and Landings Volume 78 1994 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3319
no-img_eng.png Title: Agricultural Co-operatives in Asia and the Pacific Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3319
no-img_eng.png Title: Strengthening of Veterinary Services for Livestock Disease Control (SLSLDC) Project Authors: Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operativesEU Rating: 0 Hits: 3320
no-img_eng.png Title: Regional programme development in agriculture through consultations Authors: SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC)Kabir, W.Akter, T.N. Rating: 0 Hits: 3320
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture 1998/99 Authors: Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), Agricultural Statistics Division Rating: 0 Hits: 3320
no-img_eng.png Title: The First German to Visit Nepal Authors: Joshi, H.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3320
no-img_eng.png Title: Review of Tourism Development in the ESCAP Region Authors: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Rating: 0 Hits: 3321
no-img_eng.png Title: Directory of Ph.D. Dissertations on Agriculture in SAARC Countries 2000-2006 Volume 2 : India Authors: Mostafa, M.G. (Comp.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3321
no-img_eng.png Title: Handbook on Livestock and Poultry Diseases in SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC)Kabir, W.Akter, T.N. Rating: 0 Hits: 3321
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery and Aquaculture Statistics Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3321
no-img_eng.png Title: Fruit Development in Nepal: Past Present and Future Authors: Shrestha, g.K. Rating: 0 Hits: 3321
no-img_eng.png Title: Evaluation of Tourism Convention in Pakistan 1991 Authors: Planning Development and Research Wing, Tourism Division Rating: 0 Hits: 3321
no-img_eng.png Title: Current Experiences and Practices in Pesticide use in the Bagmati Zone Authors: National Research Associates (NRA)Sharma, K.C. Rating: 0 Hits: 3321
no-img_eng.png Title: Second ASEAN State of the Environment Report 2000: Executive Summary Authors: ASEAN Secretariat Rating: 0 Hits: 3321
no-img_eng.png Title: Environment and Sustainable Development: Issues in Nepalese Perspective Authors: Dahal, M.K.(ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3322
no-img_eng.png Title: Risk in Agriculture and their Coping Strategies in SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC)Abdullah, M. (comp.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3322
no-img_eng.png Title: Trends and Perspectives in Agricultural Education in Asia-Pacific Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3322
no-img_eng.png Title: Regional Co-operation in South Asia : A Selected Bibliography Authors: Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), N. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3322
no-img_eng.png Title: Socio-economic Impact of land use conflicts and Multiple Ownership on the Management of Fish Ponds in Bangladesh Authors: Chowdhury, A.M. Rating: 0 Hits: 3323
no-img_eng.png Title: Risk in Agriculture and their Coping Strategies in SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC)Abdullah, M. (comp.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3323
no-img_eng.png Title: Proceedings of the National Symposium on the Role of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Economic Development of Rural Nepal 15-16 August 1996 Kathmandu Nepal Authors: Nepal Fisheries Society (NEFIS)Swar, D.B.Pradhan, G.B.N.Lofvall, L.M.W. Rating: 0 Hits: 3323
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3323
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics Volume 91 2000 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3323
no-img_eng.png Title: Development of Horticulture in the SAARC Countries Authors: Begum, M. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3323
no-img_eng.png Title: Dairy Aid and Development: India's Operation Flood Authors: Doornbos, D.M.A. Rating: 0 Hits: 3324
no-img_eng.png Title: Report of the Seminar-cum-study Tour on Maintenance of Locomotives and Rolling Stock Beijing China 8-17 October 1991 Authors: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Rating: 0 Hits: 3324
no-img_eng.png Title: Export Potentials of Tropical Agricultural Products in Asia and the Pacific Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3324
no-img_eng.png Title: Database on Livestock Production Breeding and Management in SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3324
no-img_eng.png Title: Convention Tourism in Pakistan 1991: Annual Report Authors: Planning Development and Research Wing, Tourism Division Rating: 0 Hits: 3324
no-img_eng.png Title: Handbook on Livestock and Poultry Diseases in SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC)Kabir, W.Akter, T.N. Rating: 0 Hits: 3324
no-img_eng.png Title: Aquaculture in Asia and the Pacific: A Seminar Report Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3324
no-img_eng.png Title: Bangladesh Tourist Handbook Authors: Bangladesh Parjatan Coporation (BPC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3325
no-img_eng.png Title: Ceylon Tourist Board : Annual Statistical Report 1986 Authors: Ceylon Tourist Board Publication Rating: 0 Hits: 3325
no-img_eng.png Title: Postharvest Management in Agriculture: SAARC Bibliographical Database Authors: Chandel, A.S. Rating: 0 Hits: 3325
no-img_eng.png Title: Directory of Agricultural Institutions in SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3325
no-img_eng.png Title: Aquaculture Management Authors: APOTaiwan Fisheries Research Institute (TFRI) Rating: 0 Hits: 3325
no-img_eng.png Title: Women in Farming and Improving Quality of Life in Rural Areas Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3325
no-img_eng.png Title: Directory of Agricultural Periodicals of the SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3325
no-img_eng.png Title: Consolidation of Fragmented Paddy Land: Is it Really Necessary? Authors: Dunham, D.M.A. Rating: 0 Hits: 3325
no-img_eng.png Title: IFAD: Annual report 1988 Authors: International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Rating: 0 Hits: 3325
no-img_eng.png Title: Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Agricultural Information Needs Mode Mechanism and Information Flow in SAARC Countries Authors: SAARC Agricultural Information Centre (SAIC)Abdullah, D.M.A. Rating: 0 Hits: 3325
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fertilizer Volume 46 1996 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3325
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics - Commodities Volume 69 1989 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3325
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Forest Products 1992-1996 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3326
no-img_eng.png Title: Crops varieties in SAARC countries Authors: SAARC Agricuture Centre (SAC)Razzaque, Robert A. Heinlein Rating: 0 Hits: 3326
no-img_eng.png Title: Farmer's Rights to Livelihood in the Hindu-Kush Himalayas Authors: Adhikari, R. (ed.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3326
no-img_eng.png Title: Directory of Agricultural Institutions in SAARC Countries Authors: SAICSisira Kumara, W.A.G.Srinivasacharyulu, A.Roy, A.K. (Revs.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3327
no-img_eng.png Title: Linking Green Productivity to Ecotourism: Experiences in the Asia-Pacific Region Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO)Hundloe, T.N. Rating: 0 Hits: 3327
no-img_eng.png Title: Statistical Yearbook of Nepal 1991 Authors: Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), National Planning Commission Secretariat (NPC) Rating: 0 Hits: 3327
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Fishery Statistics - Catching and Landings Volume 76 1993 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3327
no-img_eng.png Title: Choice of Technology : Fertilizer Manufacture in Bangladesh Authors: Hug, M. M. Rating: 0 Hits: 3327
no-img_eng.png Title: Management of Sustainable Tourism Development Authors: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Rating: 0 Hits: 3328
no-img_eng.png Title: Perspectives on Sustainable Farming Systems in Upland Areas Authors: Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3328
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Forest Products 1994-1998 1998 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3328
no-img_eng.png Title: FAO Yearbook: Forest Products 1976-1987 Authors: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)International office of Epizootics (OIE)World Health Organization (WHO)Welte, V.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 3328
no-img_eng.png Title: Cultural Tourism in Pakistan 2004 Authors: Ministry of Tourism (MOT) Rating: 0 Hits: 3328
no-img_eng.png Title: Directory of Ph.D. Dissertations on Agriculture in SAARC countries 2000-2006 Vol. I Bangladesh Authors: SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC)Mostafa, Md. G. (comp.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3328
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepalko Sagarmatha Kshetra Digo Paryatan Bikastarpha Authors: Rajarsa, M.G. (Comp.) Rating: 0 Hits: 3328
no-img_eng.png Title: Report of the Regional Workshop on Agriculture as a Business in Africa: A New Paradigm 18-22 December 2006 Nigeria Authors: Afro-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) Rating: 0 Hits: 3329
no-img_eng.png Title: National Development Plan 1985-1987 Volume 1 Authors: Ministry of Planning and Development, Male' Rating: 0 Hits: 3329
no-img_eng.png Title: An Overview of Forestry Sector and Strategy for Forestry Development and Management in Nepal Authors: Water and Energy Commission Secretariat (WECS) Rating: 0 Hits: 3329
no-img_eng.png Title: Terrestrial Animal Health Code Volume 2: Recommendations applecable to OIE Listed diseases and other diseases of importance to international trade Authors: World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) Rating: 0 Hits: 3329