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Cover Title Authors Rating Hits
no-img_eng.png Title: Investment and Economic Co-operation in the Tourism Sector in Developing Asian Countries: Report of a Seminar 15-21 October 1991 Tokyo and Sendai japan Authors: Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Bangkok Rating: 0 Hits: 4029
no-img_eng.png Title: Agriculture and Natural Resources: Planning for Educational Priorities for the Twenty-first Century Authors: Westview Press, Inc.Haney, W.G.Field, D.R. Rating: 0 Hits: 4226
no-img_eng.png Title: Adventure Tourism in Pakistan 2004 Authors: Ministry of Tourism (MOT) Rating: 4 Hits: 4394
no-img_eng.png Title: Business Potential for Agricultural Biotechnology Products Authors: Asian Productivity Organizations (APO) Rating: 0 Hits: 4437
cover Title: Adventure and Sports Tourism in Pakistan 1993 Authors: Statistics Section, Planning Development and Research Wing, Ministry of Planning and Environment Rating: 3 Hits: 4483
no-img_eng.png Title: OIE: Plurithematic Issue of the Scientific and Technical Review Volume 25 (3) 2006 Authors: World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) Rating: 0 Hits: 4502
no-img_eng.png Title: Nepal Tourism Statistics 2000: Annual Statistical Report Authors: Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation (MCTCA) Rating: 0 Hits: 4507
no-img_eng.png Title: Adventure Tourism in Pakistan Authors: Ministry of Tourism (MOT) Rating: 3 Hits: 4567
cover Title: Adventure and Sports Tourism in Pakistan 1991 Authors: Tourism Division, Planning Development and Research Wing Rating: 4 Hits: 4642
cover Title: Adventure and Sports Tourism in Pakistan 1990: Annual Report Authors: Tourism Division, Planning Development and Research Wing Rating: 3.5 Hits: 4724
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